Celiac.com Celiac Disease & Gluten-free Diet Forum

I shot back up to a size 20 (sigh), I was tired all the time, in pain and grouchy. I had serious sleeping problems. We moved to Texas from San Diego (don’t ask why, ugh) and I only got worse because of the hideous weather here. I just stopped going out. A lot of other stressors like a failed business led me to a therapist and a diagnosis of Bipolar II. I read a book by a wonderful psychiatrist, James Phelps, who suggested a diet free of simple carbs of any kind and plenty of whole grains, plus exercise, because there is anecdotal evidence that metabolic syndrome and lack of exercise are a huge contributing factor to Bipolar symptomology. Within 3 days I was free of mood swings and feeling like a normal human again. I’ve lost 47 pounds since May and my Wii Fit is jumping for joy (grin). BUT..for the first time in my life, I was eating whole grains and my gas, bloating and diarrhea became unbearable a few weeks ago. I didn’t really have any problems for the first couple of months. I also developed a horrible pain in my left lower abdomen..I suspected maybe it was Diverticulitis…back to the doc. Ran blood tests, the usual suspects all came back normal, except for a slightly elevated white count (no fever) and mildly high calcium levels. So ordered even more tests and literally pulled out his medical books in front of me to try to figure out what I might have. He said he suspected Celiac and/or Hyperparathyroidism, so ran tests for both, but he ‘didn’t know’ that I should have been eating a lot of gluten before the tests were run and I wasn’t because I suspected that the whole grains were contributing to my problems.

look at this website http://www.celiac.com/gluten-free/topic/50406-there-is-stupid-and-then-there-is-stupid/

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